Rev. Kim-Maria Osorio

VP of Operations

Rev. Kim-Maria Osorio began her journey in interfaith spiritual care during the aftermath of 9/11, serving as a Chaplain Supervisor for the American Red Cross. Her experience in uniting leaders from various faith groups and supervising them during times of crisis laid the foundation for her current role as VP of Operations at the New York State Chaplain Task Force. Rev. Osorio's dedication to serving humankind and her deep faith have guided her through numerous challenges, ultimately shaping her into a compassionate and effective leader.

At the Task Force, Rev. Osorio oversees the day-to-day operations and ensures that our chaplains are well-prepared to provide support in various settings. Her commitment to inclusivity and respect for all cultural and religious backgrounds is evident in her work, as she continuously strives to improve the training and support offered to our chaplains. Rev. Osorio's journey of faith and service is an inspiration to all, highlighting the importance of love and compassion in spiritual care.

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